Whimsical, Mystical Entertaining Dragons!! These hand crafted jokesters pose in comical array, pouring smoke from inscense cones inside the figure. Some of the dragons sport smoke from the nose, belly button, cheeks, or, well, the "exhaust pipe"! Yeah, that's it!! The Exhaust pipe!At any rate these delightful 6" tall scaly clowns safely disperse the fragrance of cone inscense throughout the house, and create humor with each glance!

Belly Button Dragon 14.95
"Exhaust Pipe" Dragon, LOL 14.95
Out The Nose Dragon 14.95

Equally entertaining are the renditions of our indian buddy "Chochise". Puffing on his peace pipe, smoke curls out of his mouth, as he dispenses his fragrant wisdom. The dragons and Cochise, make a wonderful conversational group, as they smoke contentedly, and exchange witicisms and humor

Cochise Style 1 "Smiling"(pictured) 16.95
Cochise Style 2 "Puffing" 16.95

© 2002 by Carrie's Crafts - all rights reserved